Mon 27 Sep 2021 09:20

Training takes place on a weekly basis in a safe, well structured but fun environment, with the emphasis upon learning and developing key skills to improve the individual and team success.

Our qualified All England Netball Association (AENA) coaches not only provide the necessary physical skills but also instil the sense of fair play and good sportsmanship that is expected as a club.

Junior Training

Junior training is currently taken by our senior squad members, who hold Level 2 Coaching status, on a rota.

Training for the junior members of Paulton Netball takes place at Paulton Rovers Football Club (outdoor) or at Norton Hill School (indoor) between 6.20pm and 7.30pm.

Our U16s train alongside our rotated senior squad between 6:20pm and 7:40pm.

Junior tournaments take place at Tor Leisure Centre, Street between 10:00 and 13:30 on a Sunday.

Senior Training

We have a structured training schedule that is created by the senior squad. This is proving to be popular with the girls as they are able to progress and yet still have fun with their friends at the same time, which is what Paulton Netball Club is all about.

Senior training currently takes place alternating between Paulton Rovers Football Club (outdoor) and Norton Hill School (indoor) between 7.45pm and 9.20pm during the season. During the summer break we train from 7pm onwards depending on numbers.

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